PSP Filer v5.9 Released

Ending Family Day with a little more homebrew, we have Mediumgauge’s PSP Filer. Do everything you’d expect from a File Manager, and do that on your PSP’s memory stick, flash0, flash1, and the UMD.

PSP Filer 5.9 changes:


  • increased much of original OSK feature.
  • enabled to use built-in OSK (kernel3 version only).


  • fixed a bug in copy window if you created a new folder, you could not move cursor to the folder.
  • changed a destination device to copy from ms0 to the device where source files belong.

binary editor:

  • fixed a bug that have shown wrong message on saving.

text viewer:

  • added a feature of line editor. note: edited files will be forced to be shift-jis encoding when it is saved. And, non-shift-jis file and binary file may not be edited & saved correctly.
  • able to read UTF-16 encoding.

Download: PSP Filer v5.9