Here it is, our first non-Apple product tear-down video, the PSP3000!! Not to be outdone by Chet, one of our game system techs, Lance, took this unit apart and put it back together, while I snapped video frames. This baby sports an extra bright screen, smudge-proof case and a built in microphone (for free PSP to PSP Skype talk and other apps). Check it out and see for yourself:
PSP-3000 Inside & Out
at 9:03 AM
iR Shell v4.7 w/ 5.00 M33 Support Released!
Prepare to be ahmazed indeed… Just received word from the man himself, and as promised, here is iR Shell v4.7 with support for custom firmware 5.00 M33. Welcome back, AhMan.
iR Shell 4.7 feature summary:
* Support Dark_AleX latest 5.00M33-3 CFWs. Users of original 5.00M33 & M33-2 should upgrade to M33-3 to avoid incompatibility issues. The latest Popsloader 5.00 is also supported.
* An Infrared learning remote is added for PSP Phat. You no longer need to hunt pronto codes for your appliances. Just point your remote unit at the PSP and it will learn the iR code. It is available under higher firmwares and not fw 1.5 mode. Refer to the Release Note for usage details.
* The nethostfs connection handling has been redesigned to be more robust. However, iR Shell 4.7 and onwards can only connect to the new nethostfs PC server v2.1. Make sure you’ve updated the nethostfs PC server.
* Enhance UMD/ISO game compatibility via nethostfs MAX mode. Most previous failed games will probably work.
* Usbhostfs & nethostfs host redirection under XMB has returned.
* The Adhoc PC connection for nethostfs was broken since fw 3.71. This feature has been brought back for PSP Phat.
* Enhance the HTML Plugin (by Dark_AleX) to allow direct launching of flash games with extension SWF.
iR Shell v4.7
iR Shell Skin Pack
USBHostFS / NetHostFS (for Windows/Linux/Mac…)
- source:
at 8:38 AM
CTF Manager v5.00 — now supporting Custom Firmware 5.00 M33
Red Squirrel’s CTF Manager for Windows is an all-purpose tool for creating, extracting, and installing CTF themes on the PlayStation Portable.
You’ll require a few things before getting started: common_gui.prx, paf.prx, vshmain.prx — dump those using PSARDumper with whateverfirmware EBOOT. As well, you need the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.

CTF Manager v5.00 changes:
- Possibility to create CTF themes for CF 5.00M33
- Possibility to extract file from a CF 5.00M33 CTF file
Download: CTF Manager v5.00
- source:
at 4:48 PM
iR Shell for Custom Firmware 5.00 M33 — Soon…
If you have recently sacrificed AhMan’s iR Shell for Dark_AleX’s latest custom firmware; or perhaps your situation is reversed, you’ve relinquished the installation of 5.00 M33 because the dopest shell to date is really where it’s at… Well then, whatever the case, you’ll be pleased to know a new iR Shell public version is nearing release.
Allow me to quote AhMan himself –
Just to let you know I’ll be releasing another iR Shell public release for 5.00M33. It will have all the SE features, including infrared remote learning. Currently, is being re-designed and re-worked by some of the private forum members. Once the site is completed, the public release will be out.
Of course infrared learning will only be available to PSP Fat owners. Good looking out, AhMan.
at 4:43 PM