PSP Developer Mediumgauge has released an update to his PSP Filer, his file management application. Now up to version 6.0 which has many bug fixes and will now display file sizes in gigabytes. Please see the change log below for a full list of changes.
* fixed a bug wrong free area was shown when using large (>4G) MS Duo.
* added a feature to show GB mode. And, even in larger scale mode, small files are shown on smaller scale.
* fixed a bug USB connection was failed on kernel3 using under FW 5.00.
* fixed a bug at ripping UMD, to be frozen, when MS Duo was full (that happened depending on CFW version).
* fixed a bug to be frozen when finishing built-inn OSK at 333MHz.
Download: PSP Filer 6.0
PSP Filer 6.0 Released
at 8:16 AM
PSPKVM v0.5.1 Released: J2ME on the PSP
Emulate Java ME on your PSP… M@x and Sleepper one up their J2ME virtual machine from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1.
Get PSPKVM and keep yourself entertained with a lasting collection of cellphone/mobile java games.
PSPKVM 0.5.1 changes:
* Enable input symbol in password text field
* Fixed OSK bug
* Fixed drawRGB alpha blending bug
* Fixed a couple of bugs inside VM interpreter
PSPKVM 0.5.1 (fw 1.50)
PSPKVM 0.5.1 (cfw)
at 8:13 AM
Plugin2Flash Released
From the author who brought you PSPBTCNF, an app for manipulating PSPBTCNF bin files, has released a far more user friendly method for installing / uninstalling plug-ins to / from flash0. This is manatails007’s Plugin2Flash
Installing plugins:
1. Put your plugins to ms0:/seplugins/.
2. Load This app.
3. Press X to start.
4. Select the prx you want to install.
5. Toggle mode (V,G,U,P,A).
6. Watch progress…
7. Enjoy.
Uninstalling plugins:
1. Load this app.
2. Press TRIANGLE.
3. Select plugins you want to remove.
4. Watch progress…
5. Done.
Download: Plugin2Flash
at 8:12 AM
PSPBTCNF Tool v3 Released
Anyone looking to control which modules are loaded and when, or anyone wanting to load their plug-ins directly from flash0 under these select modes — VSH (XMB), Game / Homebrew, Firmware Update, POPs (PSOne emulation), Application, and Licensed Application — then this app is for you… Seungju Kim, aka mamanatails007, has released PSPBTCNF Tool v3: it backs up, restores, extracts, builds, and flashes PSPBTCNF bin files. Usage is straightforward once you download PSPBTCNF Tool and try it out.
* v3 : added Backup/Restore, 3G PSP support
* v2 : added Slim PSP support
* v1 : initial release
Download: PSPBTCNF Tool v3
at 8:10 AM
PSP Tool v0.9 Released
The all-purpose homebrew app known as PSP Tool just hit version 0.9. Raing3 has fixed up a few things, namely ridding bugs and adding sanity checks to ensure a smooth operation; as well, PSP Tool now uses the latest VLF library from moonlight. That and more detailed below.
PSP Tool v0.9 changes…
Added: Support for 2.71 SE and 1.50 running under Time Machine and check to disable running on 3.71.
Fixed: RSOD when choosing ‘Test M33’ feature on a DC7 MMS created with this application (only occurred on Fat).
Fixed: Issue using SQUARE as part of the boot key when creating a Magic Memory Stick.
Fixed: Issue which could arise when creating more than one Magic Memory Stick in a single session.
Other: Other Memory Sticks can now be formatted by first clicking on the format item in the menu and before answering yes to the questions insert the second Memory Stick.
Other: To reduce the risk of a BSOD when installing or running a firmware from a Magic Memory Stick the registry of a 1.50 system is now copied instead of the registry of the current system (to use the current systems registry files hold the L trigger while the Magic Memory Stick is being created.)
Other: Implemented a check for modules which are known to cause issues with PSP Tool. If any of these modules are found a message is first shown with the modules which need to be disabled and then the PSP performs a reboot. To disable this check hold the R trigger while loading the game.
Updated: Now uses VLF library 1.0 by moonlight.
Updated: Updated the information shown in the System Information panels.
Download: PSP Tool v0.9
at 9:07 AM
The IdolM@ster SP: Comes with Firmware 5.05; Unplayable on Custom Firmwares
Update: I can personally confirm “The IdolM@ster SP” does not boot on custom firmware 5.00 M33. It errors out with the following, “The game could not be started. (80020148).” Furthermore, after doing a little research, it’s rumoured The Idolmaster SP will feature unlockable “PlayStation Home Rewards.” It’s likely 5.05 may accommodate that. To quote Mr. Anonymous – The series of THE iDOLM@STER SP games (japanese), released today but leaked earlier, comes with a new and neat 5.05 update that is pretty much required for the game to run, or, at least, does not work on any existing CFW at the time. Spoofing the version through version.txt seemingly doesn’t work, either.
Uh oh… Apparently this new PSP title, The Idolmaster SP, comes bundled with PSP firmware version 5.05, and not only that, you absolutely need 5.05 to run it. It’s been reported, even with spoofing your firmware version, that for the moment Idolmaster SP does not work on any custom firmwares. So that begs the question: what’s up with firmware 5.05?
at 9:07 AM
PSP Filer v5.9 Released
Ending Family Day with a little more homebrew, we have Mediumgauge’s PSP Filer. Do everything you’d expect from a File Manager, and do that on your PSP’s memory stick, flash0, flash1, and the UMD. PSP Filer 5.9 changes: general: filer: binary editor: text viewer: Download: PSP Filer v5.9
at 5:15 PM
50 Million PSPs; 200 Million UMDs Sold
PSP continues to take interactive entertainment experiences to new heights
Tokyo, February 13, 2009 – Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) today announced that the cumulative worldwide sell-in units of PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) handheld entertainment system (PSP-1000, 2000 and 3000 series) reached a total of 50 million units(*1) as of January 2009.
As the first handheld platform from the PlayStation® family, PSP made its debut in December 2004 in Japan, March 2005 in North America, May 2005 in Asian countries and regions, and September 2005 in Europe/PAL territories. Bringing the innovative entertainment world of PlayStation® and PlayStation®2 on the go, PSP introduced the latest advancement in technology for building handheld devices, including a 4.3 inch wide high resolution LCD screen, the largest of its kind for a portable device. PSP opened up an entirely new gaming market by offering the fun of playing full-scale 3D-CG games as well as viewing high resolution video images anytime, anywhere, and also by offering users new ways of enjoying digital entertainment, including playing games on-line with family and friends via a wireless LAN feature.
PSP keeps evolving as an innovative handheld entertainment system, offering a wide array of exciting software titles and introducing fun peripherals as well as upgrading features through regular system software updates. Inheriting the basic functions and the design philosophy of PSP-1000, slim and light PSP (PSP-2000) was launched in September 2007, introducing new features such as “Skype” and expanding the joy of PSP from the entertainment arena into the area of communication. In October 2008, SCE introduced PSP-3000 to the world, featuring an advanced high contrast LCD and a built-in microphone, while maintaining the form factors of PSP-2000. Gaining even greater support from a wide range of users worldwide, the world of PSP continues to grow.
On the games front, more than 2,000 titles on UMD are available worldwide, with cumulative software sell-in units reaching 200 million to date (*2). In addition to packaged games, taking advantage of PSP’s network capability, many network games have become available for download initially via PLAYSTATION®3 or PC. More and more games are being made available for download since it was made possible in fall 2008 for PSP users to access PlayStation®Store directly via wireless Internet. Currently, a total of over 500 titles from PlayStation®Network exclusive games, “Game Archive” titles featuring the original PlayStation games, and downloadable version of UMD titles are available for download(*3). Many more exciting new software titles in a variety of genres are planned continually for release from third party developers and publishers as well as from SCE Worldwide Studios. Also with a steady increase in the number of registered PlayStation Network accounts, SCE will continue to further enhance network services for both game and non-game entertainment content.
SCE will vigorously promote the expansion of the PSP platform and offer a variety of interactive digital entertainment.
(*1) Sell-in number
(*2) As of the end of December 2008
(*3) As of the end of December 2008
About Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Recognized as the global leader and company responsible for the progression of consumer-based computer entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) manufacturers, distributes and markets the PlayStation® game console, the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) handheld entertainment system and the PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3®) system. PlayStation has revolutionized home entertainment by introducing advanced 3D graphic processing, and PlayStation 2 further enhances the PlayStation legacy as the core of home networked entertainment. PSP is an innovative handheld entertainment system that allows users to enjoy 3D games, with high-quality full-motion video, and high-fidelity stereo audio. PS3 is an advanced computer system, incorporating the state-of-the-art Cell processor with super computer like power. SCEI, along with its subsidiary divisions Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd., and Sony Computer Entertainment Korea Inc. develops, publishes, markets and distributes software, and manages the third party licensing programs for these platforms in the respective markets worldwide. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. is an independent business unit of the Sony Group.
※ Skype is the world’s fastest-growing Internet communication, allowing people everywhere to make unlimited calls for free between the users of Skype software.
※ Skype is not a replacement for your traditional telephone service and cannot be used for emergency calling.
※ Skype is a trademark of Skype Limited.
PlayStation, PLAYSTATION and PSP are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
at 5:16 PM
LEDA 0.2: Legacy Software Loader Updated
The Legacy Software Loader project known as LEDA packs increased compatibility this second time ’round, all thanks to the man who needs no introduction, Dark_AleX.
LEDA is an attempt to run older homebrew, typically those requiring or compiled for firmware 1.0 and 1.50, on the custom firmwares of today, even with the PSP Slim where the 1.50 kernel add-on isn’t available.
Dark_AleX also quotes:
Note: if you have plugins enabled, disable them before running installer. CFW Folder Blocker v1.0 in concrete is known to cause problems with LEDA installer.
LEDA 0.2 changes:
* Increased compatibility
Download: LEDA (Beta) 0.2
at 5:16 PM
LEDA - Legacy Software Loader Beta 0.1
Introducing Dark_AleX’s LEDA: the Legacy Software Loader for older 1.0/1.50 compiled homebrew. This means any homebrew requiring the 1.50 kernel may be usable under CFW 5.00 M33 without the kernel add-on, even on the PSP Slim. Now keep in mind, LEDA is currently beta leaving compatibility unknown at this time. Please comment with your experience below should you have success or failure with whatever homebrew.
PSP Fat users may also take advantage of LEDA despite the already working 1.50 kernel add-on. Like anything, LEDA has both its pros and cons –
LEDA Advantages:
* It works on the PSP Slim too
* It doesn’t require much flash space
* You don’t need to care about which folder your homebrew is in. LEDA first tries to load the homebrew program normally. If it works, then the homebrew is a 3.XX+ one, and LEDA terminates itself to not waste RAM. Otherwise, LEDA does some patches to load the 1.0/1.5 homebrew.
* Unlike 1.50 kernel add-on, LEDA tries to be independent of firmware. This means that whenever a new version of M33 is released, LEDA will probably work without need of an update.
LEDA Disadvantages:
* Less compatibility. Anyway, I will try to make LEDA compatible with those old homebrew that are still useful today because they weren’t updated or because they have a better old version.
Download: LEDA Beta 0.1
at 5:15 PM
MaGiXieN on PSP-3000 HEN Hack.
Remember the video we posted about a working PSP-3000 hack using gripshift? The hack creator MaGiXien answered some questions on just why the Hen PSP-3000 Hack isn’t online yet. And when we are likely to see a PSP-3000 Hack. Here’s what MaGiXien from had to say:
You all have in mind our video showing a PSP 3000 able to run homebrews and ISOs. It seems that some people still don’t understand why this HEN is not online. Explanation.
Since the official firmware 5.03 was released, the Gripshift exploit has been patched. This has allowed for confusion to creep in some people’s head and we have seen a few posts demanding the release of Miriam’s HEN (Homebrew Enabler). Some very pushy, others less, all this post have this in common: the mix-up between the Gripshift exploit and the exploit allowing access to the Kernel Mode, which is essential in order to install what you have seen on the video.
Here are the characteristics of Miriam’s 5.02Hen-A:
Compatible up to firmware 5.02
Compatible with all homebrews
Compatible with ISOs, PSX
Compatible with plug-ins (at least all those that I have tried)
Activation of a recovery mode allowing access to common features (such as switching X and O) not to flash0 (see below)
Since the HEN bypasses flash0 using the MS instead, it is impossible to touch it on the hardware, but it is possible on the MS.
The HEN remains as long as the console isn’t turned off or rebooted.
You must keep the Memory Stick containing the flash files in the MS slot or to copy the files on all used MSs.
You must have the Gripshift UMD in order to launch the HEN.
You cannot update your firmware beyond 5.02
Most frequent comments:
« Because of you Sony has patched the Gripshift exploit with the firmware 5.03 »
Wrong. The Gripshft exploit was found and put online by Matiaz and exploited by Freeplay.
We only carried on with our adaptation for Gripshift Euro.
As soon as the exploit was online, it was granted that a new firmware would come and patch it. It has always been like this (GTA LCS, Lumines) and its release the day after we made our Binary Loader for Euro available is most likely a coincidence.
It’s good for the PSP3000, but is it the same for those with a PSP2000 TA88-v3?
Yes and no. In principal it is exactly the same than with the PSP3000 because their motherboard has the same characteristics. No difference there. Although, there is an alternative for those of you with some “DIY” skills. “All” you need to do is replace your motherboard with a TA88 (v1 or v2) found on the net.
What’s the difference between HEN and eLoader?
Hen is a Homebrew Enabler. It allows homebrews to launch whilst still on official firmware. Miriam’s used two exploits in order to be installed: Gripshift’s (public) and another one (private this time) that allows the activation of the kernel mode, therefore giving access to the flash’s functions.
The eLoader is a program that allows the launch of homebrews that only require user mode to start. It will be launched via the Gripshift exploit and will compatible with all PSPs with firmware up to 5.02. With the help of this program, it will be possible to launch all “user mode” homebrews already existing on PSPs that are not on Custom Firmware. This opens the door to a long list of games, emulators and other utilities. This eLoader will not allow you to launch programs requiring the Kernel Mode like flashers, utilities using the flash or the PSX emulator and ISO launcher. Its release was announced by Fanjita who didn’t specify on the date and asked not to be harassed about it to be able to work in peace.
Sony patched the exploit so give us the thing to launch the homebrews/ISOs (HEN)
This comment is the proof of a complete lack of knowledge on this subject. We’re going to try to be as clear as possible about this.
The Gripshift gamesave exploit allows the launch of a code that doesn’t have the Sony signature even if the PSP is still on Official Firmware. It is with this exploit that it is possible to launch homebrews via the binary loader for Euro or US and it is also it that will allow team Noobz’s future eLoader to launch, which itself will be used to launch homebrews in user mode (see above).
This exploit was patched in the firmware 5.03. As long as a PSP remains with a firmware prior to this one, this exploit will be active. So if you want to enjoy yourself do not update your PSP.
The exploit used by Miriam to access Kernel Mode and install the HEN (Homebrew Enabler) is an exploit qui can not be made public for various reasons. If the current version of the HEN was made available online, which is what a good few are expecting, the kernel exploit used to install it would be patched straight away, like the Gripshift’s one. This Kernel exploit is way more valuable than the Gripshift’s and if Sony was to patch it this could be the end to the VIP access that some underground devs, such as Dark_Alex, are using to hack the console.
Let’s be realistic, to this date about 30 million consoles support the installation of a Custom Firmware. So it’s easy to find a second hand one with that will satisfy your needs. PSP 3000 does not have any improvement sufficient to justify the loss of the exploit and it would be absurd to close the kernel’s door to the devs on the PSP3000, and even future one, for as long as another exploit has not been discovered, giving us an alternative. “Patience and time grant more than strength and anger.”
Why showing it if you don’t give it to us?
That’s the million dollar question. We sincerely only wanted to please you and give hope to those with a PSP3000. It is also clear that Miriam was happy with this success and wanting to share such an achievement is understandable, right? If you had succeeded in doing something everyone deemed impossible, wouldn’t you have wanted to let it know? We did.
Even if we technically couldn’t share with everyone, we wanted to inform you about it. This decision still doesn’t seem to us as a bad one even to this day, especially since it did bring-up the wonderful school ground atmosphere of the PSP underground world.
Your thing was a fake anyway, that’s why you’re not giving it to us.
This comment was made in the early days, especially on US forums. That’s because the ISO launched was similar to the UMD inserted in the UMD slot. The controversy that followed eventually was able to convince these “bad-speaking” people that this was true, otherwise it would never have happened. CQFD.
Will this HEN be released on day?
Possibly. The day it will be possible to put it online without compromising the access to Kernel Mode. Basically, the day we will be able to use another exploit than the one used by Miriam. As we already explained, no exploit is brought forward without another one being available so that we can carry on. Otherwise it would be suicidal, no?
So unless there isn’t any other… it should happen. When? Patience
at 5:24 PM
PSP Grader v008 Released
Klutsh & RainMotorsports grace us with convenience at its finest… Here we have another Windows app to easily create a magic memory stick for use with a Pandora battery.
As illustrated in the screen shot, PSP Grader not only creates a magic memory stick, it packs a few additional options: inject an IPL only, clean the Pandora stick ridding any files created by PSP Grader, and the ability to change the default trigger to load Pandora when you’re ready.
Now you just need the Pandora battery itself; use this tool (with an already hacked PSP) to create/convert one. Otherwise you can hard mod an existing battery; see here or here.
PSP Grader Screenshot
* Download the eboot straight from the app!
* Load eboots stored in ZIP files.
Coming Soon:
* RAR & 7z Loading - Rar loading didn’t make the port to pascal but only due to time restraints, it and 7zip loading are planned!
* Backup Script - Once again due to time constraints a backup function didn’t make it. Grader never had one and mine never worked to begin with so I put this off till it could be done right!
* SPEED - While this app is no slower than anything I have written before it is slower than Grader 6. We have already begun finding ways to speed up the app and it will be sped up soon!
Download: PSP Grader v008
at 5:50 PM
FX PowerSpoof!
Now you’re playing with power! Introducing NoEffex’s FX PowerSpoof plugin. You know when certain [game] updates require 75% or more battery power to install, well this little doozy of a plugin will simply bypass that reporting a 100% charge each time. Easy does it.
The main use for this is those games that install updates sony-style, and require 75% or so battery, when that is totally unnecessary and a waste of your time, because if you run out of battery - oh well, start over, nothing harmed, as it does not flash a thing.
How NOT to use:
During flashing things that require 75% battery. Not a bright idea. You can, but if you screw up, not my problem.
How it works:
1. scePowerGetBatteryPercent to always return 100 via jr ra->addiu $v0, $zero, 100
2. scePowerIsLowBattery to always return 0 via jr ra->addu $v0, $zero, $zero
3. scePowerIsBatteryExist to always return 1 via jr ra->addiu $v0, $zero, 0×0001
Unloads itself, so it won’t make your kernel memory all lame and sliced up
Download: FX PowerSpoof
at 5:50 PM
iR Shell v4.9 Released
Forget the XMB and just have iR Shell auto start straight from the get-go… AhMan’s iR Shell is a feature rich shell replacement that does everything: multi-task between a UMD, homebrew, ISO, and any of the integrated iR Shell functions, enjoy TV out via RemoteJoy, Net/USBHostFS support for PC<->PSP connectivity, control other infrared (Phat only) electronics, listen to your own tunes while in-game, and the list goes on and on… It’s no doubt the #1 shell with a bullet.
PSP iR Shell Screenshot
iR Shell v4.9 changes:
* Support PlayStation Network: download games & demos.
* Interlaced TV support has been added for PSP Slim. Games & homebrews launched via iR Shell will inherit the iR Shell TV mode. Most games will run at full speed with default CPU clock.
* For Slim PSP TV out, added an option to control the audio output to PSP speaker. This will be useful for docking station with TV out & charging capabilities.
* Added an option to disable Memory Stick MagicGate support. This is meant to be used for PhotoFast microSD to MSPD adapter, or other similar non-MagicGate MS. By disabling the MagicGate support, you will no longer experience the annoying pause in XMB, such as turning on the PSP, switching off USB mode from XMB, quitting game/homebrew back to XMB, entering XMB video directory, etc.
* Added connection timeout support for NetHostFS.
* For IR learning remote, added the ability to abort the learning process without waiting for timeout.
* Support user provided font files.
* Plus various bug fixes.
See “Release_Note.txt” for complete details.
iR Shell v4.9 (Full)
iR Shell Skin Pack
USBHostFS / NetHostFS (for Windows/Linux/Mac…)
at 5:48 PM
ISO Read Log: Measure Access Time for Reading ISOs/UMDs
Interested to see how much faster custom firmware 5.00 M33-6 really is? Here’s a straightforward plug-in from Dark_AleX to measure read times from both the UMD and memory stick.
Install isoreadlog.prx like you would any other plug-in, load a UMD or ISO, and whenever you want the logging to finish, press L+R and the output will be written to “drivers.txt” on your memory stick.
Download: ISO Read Log
at 5:47 PM
PSP Filer v5.8 Released
Here’s more of the homebrew you love — Mediumgauge’s PSP Filer version 5.8. PSP Filer is a multi-purpose homebrew app featuring a set of integrated tools for handling common tasks — ripping UMDs, organizing or moving files around your memory stick, flash0 and flash1, extracting RAR archives, playback WAV files, view pictures and text files, etc… It basically breaks down to a fully functional file manager for your PSP.
PSP Filer Screenshot
PSP Filer v5.8 changes:
* added Swedish mode.
* added a feature to ignore analog pad.
* added a feature to extract all files in an archive file.
* fixed a bug that files in RAR archive which had a broken file name (e.g. ‘?’) could not be extracted correctly. (Those “unusable” characters will be replaced into ‘_’).
* fixed a bug that memory leak was occurred after failing to extract archive files into RAMDISK.
* fixed a bug to have shown wrong count of files after copying.
Download: PSP Filer v5.8
at 5:46 PM
PSXChecker v1.0 Released: Diagnostic Tools for your PSP
Contrary to the name, PSXChecker is not what you may think… It’s in no way used for PSX/PSOne-emulated games. Xager’s PSXChecker is actually a homebrew app for testing and diagnosing certain system routines of your handheld — make sure the buttons are in working order, test the left and right audio channels, and look for, even maybe repairing, stuck pixels.
* Graphical menu, not likely but still possible.
* Change sound to “left channel, right channel”
* More tests?
* Possibility to test a second joystick?
* Eastereggs?
* Fullscreen TV-out, will look into it for 1.1
Download: PSXChecker v1.0
at 5:44 PM
Hold+ v3.6 Released
Torch has a new version of his battery saver plug-in available — Hold+ v3.6. Aside from the already known features below, version 3.6 enables the 5th brightness level on the PSP Slim, and increases the music player’s scrolling speed; it’s said to scroll 300 songs in 10 seconds.
Hold+ v3.6 features:
* Switches off the LCD screen and back light.
* Under clocks the CPU to 60MHz.
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows complete operation of the PSP controls with the display turned off.
* Turns off LEDs in hold mode. LEDs are flashed once in 30 seconds so that the PSP is not mistaken to be powered off.
* While in hold mode, allows the use of Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Volume and Start buttons, if you hold the Select button first. Useful to skip songs, pause etc.
Download: Hold+ v3.6
at 5:43 PM
Custom Firmware 5.00 M33-6 Released
Can’t say I saw this one coming… Dark_AleX has released custom firmware 5.00 M33-6. This new version attempts to increase read access, hopefully reducing the lag in heavier titles when playing from the memory stick, and in general, speeding things up all around.
See the comparison chart here.
Changes in 5.00 M33-5:
* A setting has been added to recovery, that, when enabled it may increase memory stick reading speed. (only on the psp, not in the pc). By default it is disabled. If you installed 3.71 fatmsmod, do not use this setting, as its performance with 3.71 driver has not been tested. Instead, reinstall 5.00 m33-4 using dc8 and update to 5.00 m33-5.
Changes in 5.00 M33-6:
* Fixed a bug that made unbootable psp without memory stick or with a bad one.
Download: Custom Firmware 5.00 M33-6
at 5:41 PM