PSP Tool v0.9 Released

The all-purpose homebrew app known as PSP Tool just hit version 0.9. Raing3 has fixed up a few things, namely ridding bugs and adding sanity checks to ensure a smooth operation; as well, PSP Tool now uses the latest VLF library from moonlight. That and more detailed below.

The all-purpose homebrew app known as PSP Tool just hit version 0.9. Raing3 has fixed up a few things, namely ridding bugs and adding sanity checks to ensure a smooth operation; as well, PSP Tool now uses the latest VLF library from moonlight. That and more detailed below.

PSP Tool v0.9 changes…

Added: Support for 2.71 SE and 1.50 running under Time Machine and check to disable running on 3.71.

Fixed: RSOD when choosing ‘Test M33’ feature on a DC7 MMS created with this application (only occurred on Fat).

Fixed: Issue using SQUARE as part of the boot key when creating a Magic Memory Stick.

Fixed: Issue which could arise when creating more than one Magic Memory Stick in a single session.

Other: Other Memory Sticks can now be formatted by first clicking on the format item in the menu and before answering yes to the questions insert the second Memory Stick.

Other: To reduce the risk of a BSOD when installing or running a firmware from a Magic Memory Stick the registry of a 1.50 system is now copied instead of the registry of the current system (to use the current systems registry files hold the L trigger while the Magic Memory Stick is being created.)
Other: Implemented a check for modules which are known to cause issues with PSP Tool. If any of these modules are found a message is first shown with the modules which need to be disabled and then the PSP performs a reboot. To disable this check hold the R trigger while loading the game.
Updated: Now uses VLF library 1.0 by moonlight.
Updated: Updated the information shown in the System Information panels.

Download: PSP Tool v0.9

The IdolM@ster SP: Comes with Firmware 5.05; Unplayable on Custom Firmwares

Update: I can personally confirm “The IdolM@ster SP” does not boot on custom firmware 5.00 M33. It errors out with the following, “The game could not be started. (80020148).”

Furthermore, after doing a little research, it’s rumoured The Idolmaster SP will feature unlockable “PlayStation Home Rewards.” It’s likely 5.05 may accommodate that.

Idolmaster SP Box Art Uh oh… Apparently this new PSP title, The Idolmaster SP, comes bundled with PSP firmware version 5.05, and not only that, you absolutely need 5.05 to run it. It’s been reported, even with spoofing your firmware version, that for the moment Idolmaster SP does not work on any custom firmwares. So that begs the question: what’s up with firmware 5.05?

To quote Mr. Anonymous –

The series of THE iDOLM@STER SP games (japanese), released today but leaked earlier, comes with a new and neat 5.05 update that is pretty much required for the game to run, or, at least, does not work on any existing CFW at the time. Spoofing the version through version.txt seemingly doesn’t work, either.